Maranatha Bible School, founded in September, 1977, is sponsored by the Mid-West Mennonite Fellowship. This association is composed of congregations committed to the preservation and promotion of the Christian-Anabaptist heritage as brought to them through the Mennonite Church.

These congregations function basically on a congregational type of church administration, but recognize the need of a broader fellowship than the local congregation provides, to enable them to coordinate their efforts in the total mission of the church .

The school is under the directorship of a seven-member board. Five members of this board are chosen from and by the ordained brethren of the member churches of the Mid-West Mennonite Fellowship. Mid-Atlantic Fellowship and Southeastern Conference each appoint one member to the board. An annual meeting is held where the brethren of the sponsoring churches have a voice in making major decisions as they affect the Bible School, elect new officers, and are presented with an annual report of the school.

Maranatha Bible School, founded in September, 1977, is sponsored by the Mid-West Mennonite Fellowship. This association is composed of congregations committed to the preservation and promotion of the Christian-Anabaptist heritage as brought to them through the Mennonite Church.

contact info

26724  541st Ave., Lansing, MN 55950


January to March: 507.433.6642

April to December: 507.433-6642

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