Archives: Classes


Interpersonal Relationships (3104)

A practical study of God’s principles for relating to others, focusing especially on character qualities and God’s arrangement for character development. Also includes practical guidance in communication.

Principles of Teaching (320E)

This course offers a working acquaintance with basic rules, suggestions, and ideas for teaching in Christian Day schools, Sunday schools, and summer Bible Schools.

* Hebrews (3002)

An in-depth study of the “book of better things.” Emphasis will be placed on the supremacy of Christ and His ministry to man. Appreciation for our salvation and its implications for Christian living is a goal of this study.

Personal Work and Evangelism (3103)

Jesus Christ had a heart for people and their deepest needs. On a personal level, as well as in group settings, He related to them and shared with them eternal truths. In this course, Biblical principles and practical insights on how you can share your faith will be given.

* Anabaptist Beliefs (3101)

The Anabaptists were not theologians in the literary sense of some of their Protestant contemporaries. But in their scattered writings, and in their holy living, they had a clear and powerful theology. It is a theology worthy of careful study.

Life in the Local Church (1112)

Jesus said his church would be so powerful the gates of hell would not prevail against it. Paul wrote in Ephesians that the church should be holy and without blemish. Why do experiences in church life not always seem to line up with those words of Paul and Jesus? This course seeks to encourage sincere …

Life in the Local Church (1112) Read More »

Sharing the Gospel (1111)

How do you share your faith effectively with others? Is it enough to witness through a life of faithfulness, or should you be out actively spreading the Gospel? This course outlines the Biblical imperative of evangelism and gives practical guidance on the many ways to serve as a witness for Jesus Christ.

* James to Jude (1008)

A survey of the authors, settings and audiences of the General Epistles. This study provides insights concerning the needs of the early church and offers guidance for our day as well.

Youth and Life (1101-2)

After a brief look at how individual personalities will respond differently to life, this course moves through many aspects of young adult life. Discerning the will of God, developing godly characteristics, and maintaining purity in dating relationships are several topics that will be discussed in this very practical class.